Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday: Your Thoughts Matter by Magan Carter

Hello, Brown Queens! Welcome to Thoughtful Thursday, where you matter the most! I'm here to give you advice on various of topics that interest you or trouble you. No concern is too small for an answer. So please email me at with "advice" in the subject line.

Jessica, 22 yrs, Memphis, TN writes, " Hi Magan, I have been with my new boyfriend for six months now. We have grown pretty close but his parents dont approve of me because I have three year old daughter. He doesnt mind taking care of me and my child but his parents are always telling him that he deserves better. lately we have been arguing alot lately because his parents, mainly his mom always has something to say. I feel disrespected by his mom everytime I see her. I dont know what to do. I want us all to get along. Can you help me?"
- Hi Jessica, Im sorry to hear about your current situation and I hope it gets better. A parent will always want the best for thier children but are sometimes misguided by thier own wants. If the both of you are happy then they should accept that no matter what happened in your past. Just because you had a child does not make you a bad person. His parents should respect you because you deserve nothing less. Y'all should all have a talk together to work out these issues. Try getting to know his parents so they will be me more open to you. Yall should all spend time together. When they make a negative comment, try talking to them, letting them.know how the comments make you feel. Communication is key. Hopefully yall can work this problem out because it will only harm you and your boyfriend's relationship in the future. I hope this helped! Thanks!

Once again if you need advice you can email me at Don't be scared. If you want your name or concerns to remain confidential please let me know. Make sure to check us out next THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY for more problems and solutions. It's been real. Peace.

Posted By: Magan Carter

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